petak, 15. ožujka 2013.


Obviously it's time for me to become visible in the way that I want and on my terms.
I'm actually very shy and very introverted, and do not cope well in the world, the world as we know it. But something happened that forced me to hasten my own processes, cleaning of the lower energy, fear, anxiety, isolation, misunderstanding. Now it's time to let go of that lower energy and to let myself illuminate my way, and perhaps do it for others as well.
It's hard to admit to myself that I am an angel walking the earth, because it makes it necessary for me to change, a change that I just do not feel ready for (generally not feel ready at all), or brave enough to ... even to take wheel of life in my own hands. It is much easier when someone else is responsible, because then I have an excuse for everything that is happening in and around me. It's easier when there is someone else to blame, but to look (myself?) in the eyes and admit everything.? wow!!

What should I do in order to enlighten my darkest fears, my demons? Simple!, Breathe deeply and forgive myself all I can remember, and little by little the light shines brighter, darkest parts of me became light.
How to overcome fear if you can not see it clearly? By surrounding it with love and light. That's easier said than done. Fear seems so much bigger than the love and light, of course this is an illusion. Although I am aware that this is an illusion, when I was faced with the fear did not seem like an illusion.:)
So here I am, once again at the beginning, faced with the fear that I am the light, to acknowledge and to change the paradigm, to become my own leader.
With the help of my friends on both sides of the veil, and their love and support here, I became visible and luminos and I shall be ...  my own lighthouse